stripes rim Kawasaki z750


stripes motorcycle rim Kawasaki z750 (for 2 rims) :

The stripes rim kit kawasaki Z750 for 2 rims includes:

  • 8 rim strips with writing "Kawasaki" + 2 extra in case of failure
  • 8 rim strips with "Z750" writing + 2 extra in case of failure
  • Choice of colors

Customize your wheel deco kit with our online configurator!



stripes rim Kawasaki z750 for the 2 rims including :

  • 8 stripes motorcycle rim custom with writing "Kawasaki" + 2 extra in case of failure
  • 8 stripes motorcycle rim custom with writing "z750" + 2 extra in case of failure

A total of 20 borders.

*Liseret de jante kawasaki z750  autocollants avec colle monomère 100? qui permet une tenue permanente mais aussi une résistance aux projections d’eau et aux UV.
Nos Vinyles haute qualité sont conçus et fabriqués en France.

stripes motorcycle rims Kawasaki z750 - how to install them?

The kit stripes motorcycle rims Kawasaki z750 is simple to install, whatever the size or the surface of the rim, the procedure remains the same. You will find below a tutorial to help you to install correctly your rim strip kit. First of all, here are the precautions to take:

  • Check that the rim is perfectly smooth.
  • Clean and degrease the rim with soap/alcohol water. Do not use WD40 or other products with silicone. The rim must be perfectly clean.
  • Do not handle the stickers on the glue side.
  • If the stickers are not installed immediately, store them in a dry place out of the sun.
  •  At the time of the installation, choose a room with a temperature of at least 15°c, sheltered from wind and dust. It is also possible to heat the rim before installing the stickers to ensure a good adhesion of the adhesives. A too cold temperature will not allow an optimal adhesion of the stickers.
  • Add our scraper to your Order to not miss the installation of your stickers motorcycle rim
  • After the installation, avoid contact with cold and humidity to guarantee a good adhesion of the adhesives

Complete TUTO to install your Kit stripes of rims: bouton tuto

Complete video tutorial for the installation of the rim strip kit:

Is it possible to customize my stripes rim? Kawasaki

stripes motorcycle rim custom thanks to our effects ! We propose for your rim decoration kit the following effects: Holographic / Photoluminescent / Retroreflective / Fluo / Gloss / Mat. -> Go here to know more about our effects of stickers !

You can also customize your own rim decoration kit with our instant configurator! bouton configurator 3

Leseret motorcycle rim custom z750, which colors are possible?

Our stripes motorcycle rim kits are available by default in the following colors: White / Black / Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Cyan / Blue / Pink. You can also choose the color you want with our specific color option or by going to our configurator!

A question about the rim decoration kit? A request for customization ? Do not hesitate to contact us via the page contact : bouton contact

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