You are currently viewing Stickers jantes GSR 750 : Guide pour choisir ses stickers

Stickers GSR 750 rims: Guide to choosing your rims stickers

If this roadster from Suzuki is your ride, you're most likely satisfied and looking for a way to make your bike more personal and stylish.
The Stickers GSR 750 M-Stickers rims will be perfect for this task.😀🏍

In this article you'll find a guide to choosing stickers to suit your needs and desires.

stickers suzuki gsr 750 couleur gauche ref64suzuki autocollant suzuki sticker pour moto sport remove 1

Stickers GST 750 rims

We love the GSR 750, with its good looks, torque and 4-cylinder engine.
Stylizing it with stickers makes for an even sportier bike , and can also freshen up an older model.

We offer you a stickers kit in line with the Suzuki manufacturer's range, stickers are designed in Lyon 🇫🇷 with high-quality vinyl and glue to guarantee permanent durability.
These stickers kits are the ideal choice if you don't like to hesitate and want something classic.

miniature GSR

Select the color of your choice to match the kit to your bike and its rims.

It includes for 2 rims :

  • 8mm pre-curved edging,
  • 8 small stickers Suzuki,
  • 8 small stickers GSR 750,
  • 4 Stickers riminteriors Suzuki,
  • 4 Stickers inside GSR 750 rims,
  • 1 Logo Suzuki.

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Model kits enhance the aesthetics of the motorcycle without detracting from its design .
You can also add stickers social networking sites to promote your Insta page, Facebook, Tiktok...
This will boost your business and help you get found online at motorcycle events.
You can also advertise on your Youtube channel if you make videos during your outings, for example.

Pack Complet gsr 750 Bl

Stickers custom

We also offer kits from stickers customs :


  • Monster Energy,
  • Redbull,
  • Yoshimura,
  • More to come...




And why not honor thelimited edition Yoshimura. 
We offer stickers rim kits Yoshimura, This kit can also be customized in the configurator.
However, you can make a specific request if you would like the Yoshimura logos without removing the Suzuki or GSR 750 logos. 👍
Please write to us with your specific requirements, and we'll be delighted to create a kit for you. made-to-measure for you.
Pack Complet Yoshimura R removebg previewgrsrouge removebg preview 1

stickers customs are a great way to get a very sporty look. These stickers beverage brands or parts manufacturers are reminiscent of GP motorcycle racers with their sponsors.

stickers GSR 750 wheels 100% customized

The builder's kit is classic, but if you want something more custom and 100% original, our configurator is for you. You can customize your stickers kit from A to Z.

bouton configurator 3

It's the ideal place to create a stylish kit. Sporty, fluo, futuristic, camo, the combinations are endless.
Scroll through the tabs and select the design from sticker , as well as the color.

Choose the stickers you want in your kit from among a dozen edgings, as well as stickers rim interiors to complete your look.
You can also choose the stickers from logo manufacturer: Suzuki / GSR / GSR 750...

You have access to default colors in the configurator. The colors in the configurator are also those for the fluorescent effect. (If you choose the option "specific color" do not choose the effect fluorescent.)

The "specific color" option is ideal for having the exact shade of your fairing or equipment. It can also be chosen to match your team's graphic charter if you're racing on a circuit with several teams, etc.
You can import the color code using Photoshop's eyedropper tool or online color charts.

After choosing the colors and stickers you can add effects.
The basic effect is the glossy finish, but you can select another rendering such as :

  • Mat,
  • Fluorescent,
  • Retroreflective,
  • Photoluminescent,
  • Holographic

Please note that some effects can only be applied to certain colors, the holographic and Photoluminescent effects can only be applied to the whitestickers . The retroreflective effect can be applied to all stickers .



Make your motorcycle more visible at night with fluo, photoluminescent, holographic and retro-reflective effects.
This is interesting in terms of safety. The retroreflective effect, for example, works like traffic signs, reflecting light sources in their direction. Quite discreet by day, but effective at night. The photoluminescent effect varies in effectiveness according to exposure to light, and works for 30 to 60 minutes.
fluo is flashy by day and Gloss by night.

In the last tab, you can change the text content to a content of your choice, a name, a team... You can change the brand name, the model zone or both.

And if you like stickers transforming rims, take a look at our stickers rim rings.


Stickers custom-made GSR 750 rims

It's possible to want something 100% personal and unique, and if you have ideas but don't have the time or technical/artistic skills to design the stickers rim kit of your dreams, in that case you'll be interested in our bespoke creation.
Contact us here and describe your ideas. You can also attach files if you have references or inspirational images.
100% customizable, it's not just a slogan...

bouton contact


What's more, a visual of the creation will be sent to you before Order is validated. So that you're completely satisfied with design.

If you want to go a step further and create a complete look for your bike, we can create a matching deco kit.

Stickers GSR 750 rims: How to fit them?

Installing stickers rims is not complicated.
However, it is very important Warning to prepare your rims properly to optimize the adhesion of stickers to the substrate.
To this end, we've created a series of tutorials. The article and video describe the equipment required and the steps to follow.

You'll find a squeegee for better adhesion and a clean finish on our site. The squeegee removes wrinkles and bubbles. Heating stickers at the same time as scraping makes finishing easier.

bouton tuto

Leaving the rim to rest for 24-48 hours after fitting the stickers can also improve grip. If you're not in a hurry, leave your bike for 1 or 2 days.

stickers are weatherproof and UV-resistant.

Optimizing the resale of your motorcycle

Successful motorcycling means a plethora of offers on resale platforms. You may have already noticed this when shopping for a motorcycle or scrolling through Leboncoin to find your next ride.
So having an original motorcycle can help resale, since your bike will stand out from the crowd thanks to its photo.

Obviously, the mechanical condition of your motorcycle must be the priority, but a good design is a plus.
A nice photo boosts traffic to your ad and thus optimizes your chances of selling.
We've had feedback from customers who've noticed that stickers rims boost their sales.
The stickers rims help you stand out from the crowd.


stickers jante suzuki gsr 750


Stickers GSR 750 wheels - Inspirations

Need some inspiration? Our customers send us photos of their motorcycles with the stickers installed, you can see more on our Instagram or page Facebook.
And here are some ideas for configurations based on fairing colors. This may help you get started, you can also reproduce these kits. 🙃



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M sticker 3

Conclusion - Stickers GSR 750 rims

Get a unique and stylish motorcycle at lower cost with our stickers rims.
Our stickers are designed by motorcyclists in France, guaranteeing a design that takes into account the stresses of a motorcycle. No more cheap stickers that won't hold.

You can share your stickers posed on our networks! ✌️😎

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